Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results. The concept behind Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is quite simple: When a customer or business person searches the Web through either a text box or by clicking through a directory of search Engines, they are in “Search mode”. This mode is unique because it indicates that the person is looking for information, usually of a direct or indirect commercial nature.

Search Engine Marketing

Link Building

Businesses should not be focused on 'building' links, but providing compelling reasons for their audience to talk about their brand & attract them. Links are still the fundamental signal used by the search engines to score a website in the search results.

Search Engine Marketing

Content Marketing

Writing interesting, useful & sharable content, provides the opportunity to promote that content to others who will then link to it. Whether it’s the national press or a blog, links to your content will not only drive direct visitors, but also promote your website within search engines.

Search Engine Marketing

Analytics Consultancy

Our web analytics consultancy service helps you understand your users, measure performance accurately across all platforms and make data informed decisions with confidence for profit.

Search Engine Marketing

Conversion Rate Optimization

Our conversion rate optimisation (CRO) service utilises internal data alongside user feedback to ensure you maximise the potential of your website and improve your return from your existing audience.

Our Avenue

BUILD A COLLECTIVE PITCH TO ENJOY TRAFFIC FROM VARIOUS WEB PROPERTIES IN THE UNIVERSE OF INTERNET. This includes traffic from search engines that are known for their perennial visitor base with the use of paid and free marketing.

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